From Hainan to Penang 下南洋:口述

The most number of Hainanese who emigrated to Southeast Asia hailed from Wenchang County in Hainan.  There was a basis for such claim.  One of the facts was there were two ports of call in Hainan that facilitated the travel by sea to Southeast Asia: one was Port Qinglan in Wenchang and the other was Port Puqian in Haikou.  These two ports played a significant role during those days.  The journey from Baiyan to Port Puqian is about 90 km and to Port Qinglan about 20 km.  Both ports could be reached by road or by sea via Port Zhangpi, located about 6 km to the west of Baiyan.


hainan baiyan
There were two ports in Hainan which facilitated the travel by junks (ancient Chinese sailing vessels) between Hainan and Singapore and Penang: one was Port Puqian, near Haikou and the other was Port Qinglan, near Wenchang.  Hong Kong served as transit port for those travelling by steam ships from the 1900s.  
hainan huiwen

Map showing Wenchang (文昌市)、Huiwen Town (会文镇)、Baiyan (白延墟) and the nearby Port Zhangpi (长圮港)

"Hainanese In Southeast Asia" is now brought to you along the Wennan Street in the old township in Wenchang City.  For the elderly folk it is like walking on memory lane   
old street penang road
文南老街位于海南文昌旧城;沿街的商店外貌於年前被“包装”成槟城街道莫样,富有南洋风格 这是槟城60年代最繁华的街道-槟榔路,可以说是南洋一个代表性骑楼风格的建筑体
Left: A street in the centre of Wenchang old town has been given a new face lift that resembles the commercial scene commonly found in Nanyang (South-east Asia).  The site is called Wennan Old Street (文南老街)
Right: This is the busiest road in the 1960s - the Penang Road.  This is the typical Southeast Asian Chinese business centre;  the building structure consists of two storey link houses built along both sides of the road.  The ground floor is for business and the top floor for the owner's family to stay. 


有关林明钊先生 - 一位海南同乡下南洋的故事  





wenchang E001 林明钊夫妇很怀念海南的家乡,这也难怪,因为他俩都是在儿时离开海南的家乡来到槟城。夫妇俩多次回归家乡寻根探亲,拜祖,更难得的孩子和孙子也随同。



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