ODE Management Services Sdn. Bhd. (105806-W)



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Tel  电话 :604 2274906 
Fax 传真 :604 2274905  
Email 电邮 :ode@hainan.com.my  
Website 网站:http://www.hainan.com.my/ode
Address 地址:

Lot 4-4 Wisma Duke, Jalan Larut, 
10050 George Town, 
Penang, MALAYSIA .





中小型企业从2014年1月1日起落实新的定义 (见详情)。

随着近年来的国际经济走向如经济环球化,区域自由贸易区的成立以及国际互联网的普遍使用,物流和人流已发展到没有国界的空前便利了,这些进展,再在说明生意的经营已从单纯趋向复杂 - 从本地的竞争趋向区域或国际的竞争。最终资讯的掌获,分析以及能和客户分享将是企业成败的主要关键点,互联网和网站在这方面是企业的一个得意帮手。有关网站的设计,请联系我们

About us:

The Company

ODE Management Services Sdn. Bhd. was incorporated on 25 August 1983 with the principal object of providing management supportive services to the Malaysian small and medium enterprises (SMEI).  The services include company secretarial, accounting, taxation and management consultancy.  The company is headed by Mr Jee Say Hai A.C.I.S. (U.K.) since its inception.  

Mr Jee has worked along with the SME for the past 30 years.  He notes that most of the business owners are busy with the day to day routine works and assignments. There is no or little time for research and forward planning in using the internet as a tool to promote their products or services.  This trend, if unchecked, is likely to become a big challenge to the SME in the near future.  Competition not only come from the domestic but also from across the borders, with the realization of the ASEAN Free Trade Area and ASEAN+China Free Trade Area.  

The Internet 

Today, the advancement in technology, notably the internet, has brought about many changes in conducting business.  SME should be considering using internet as a tool to promote and market their products.  Through internet any viewer from any part of the world can view the products at any time.  On-line business transactions / e-commerce are becoming popular and acceptable by many.  Having a webpage of their own will no doubt a step in the right direction.  More about webpage design contact us.


ASEAN, with a population of 500 million, is moving towards One Vision, One Identity, One Community by 31.12.2015.  If China-Asean Free Trade Area is being considered, it then has a combined population of 1.9 billions.  Malaysian SME should stretch their presence beyond the borders, physically or through the internet to benefit from the opportunities that lie ahead.  

Information Service Providers

Besides continuing to provide the SME with the secretarial, accounting, taxation and management consultancy supportive services, the company has set up a webpage to exclusively provide SME with information relevant to their operation.  These information include, among others, the frequently referred data links, frequently referred government links and others (please see below).  The company is committed to share its experience and networking with SME to further enhance their growth

Within ASEAN 东盟区内
Brunei 文莱
Cambodia 柬埔寨
Indonesia 印尼
Laos 老挝
Malaysia 马来西亚  
Myanmar 缅甸
     Embassy in Malaysia
Philippines 菲律宾
Singapore 新加坡
Thailand 泰国
Vietnam 越南
Outside ASEAN 东盟区以外
China 中国 (华文)
China 中国(English)
India 印度
Japan 日本
东盟 政府工商部
Brunei 文莱
Cambodia 柬埔寨
Indonesia 印尼
Laos 老挝
Malaysia 马来西亚
Myanmar 缅甸
Philippines 菲律宾
Singapore 新加坡
Thailand 泰国
Vietnam 越南


Frequently Referred Data Links 

Frequently Referred Government Links  
National Level:


Penang State:

All Government Agencies Links For SME 
  • Search 搜索所有政府部门 [search by Search Engine | by Ministries/State | by A - Z | by Topics | by Lifecycle]   


Malaysian Professional Body 



Malaysian Law 


Malaysian Tax References