Wenchang Attractions 文昌旅游景点


文昌旅游景点地理位置 Most of the tourist attractions of Wenchang are located on the eastern region.

This directional sign will also lead you to Qionghai (琼海) via the old road which passes through Maihao (迈号), Huiwen (会文) and Fengjia Bay (冯家湾)。


Tricycle, a mode of transport commonly seen in Wenchang (and other township as well); you need to take a ride from the main bus station to the busy old town centre about 2 km away.

Typical bus terminal - the display board carries departure time, destination, towns en route, distance and fare. You need to decide where and when you want to go before lining up for the ticket and a computer printed ticket will be issued.

This is the main bus terminal in Wenchang city (文昌市), 70km from Haikou, where you can also board a bus, which brings you to Guangzhou or Hong Kong without having to change the bus.


The climate of Hainan is ideal for the growing of tropical fruits; these two orchard farms, both locate in Wenchang, grow a variety of fruits: besides jackfruits and papaya, the owners also grow bananas, pineapples, dragon fruits, mango and star fruits.  The International Tropical Agricultural Trade Fair is held every year in early December where farm owners of various tropical fruits and buyers and tourists alike meet to witness the Fair.

海南的气候很适合种植热带水果如波罗密, 木瓜, 香蕉, 凤梨, 龙珠果, 芒果及杨桃等.  每年十二月初中国  (海南)国际热带农产品冬季交易会提供一个交易平台展出海南农产品.



登高远眺,蓝天白云,蓝海碧波,水天一色,岭下,月亮湾海滨沙滩绵延,松软细白,海湾风平浪静,波光泛银,让人心胸开阔,心旷神怡。从铜鼓岭望下去,  紧靠着月亮湾的边上很多隔成小块的水面,是饲养海鲜的地方。面对大海,如此之美丽,久久不愿离去!因时间关系,再美丽,也不得不离开了,美丽的铜鼓岭!再见了,美丽的月亮湾!再见了, 你的美丽将永远陪伴在我的心灵,将伴随我远走天涯。



文昌孔庙 始建于北宋庆历年间 (公元1042-1048年),明洪武八年(1375年)迁址于文城镇文东里20号,总面积3300平方米。孔庙有礼门, 义路, 龙门, 棂星门. 圣泉, 泮池, 状元桥. 大成门, 大成殿, 崇圣祠, 东庑等.


孔子(公元前551年9月28日-公元前479年4月11日),子姓, 孔氏,名丘,字仲尼,汉族,鲁国陬邑(今中国山东省曲阜市南辛镇)人,中国春秋末期的思想家和教育家,儒家的创始人。孔子集华夏上古文化之大成,在世时已被誉为“天纵之圣”、“天之木铎”,是当时社会上最博学者之一,并且被后世统治者尊为孔圣人、至圣、 至圣先师、万世师表。孔子和儒家思想对中国和朝鲜半岛、日本、越南等地区有深远的影响,这些地区又被称为儒家文化圈。


Confucius Temple was built in Wenchang in 1042-1048.  It was moved to the present site with an area of 3,300 square meter in the town centre in 1375.   Confucius, born in 551 BC, was a great Chinese philosopher, politician and educationist whose teachings influence the Chinese around the world - culturally, politically and economically. He advocated the use of good culture and wise thinking to influence human behavior.   

The first Confucius College was built in Korea in November 2004. As at December 2009 there are 583 such colleges established in 87 countries worldwide. These colleges help to promote the Chinese culture and value as well as the teaching of Chinese language. By year 2012 it is expected to have 1,000 colleges.  




孔子学院 是在借鉴国外有关机构推广本民族语言经验的基础上,在海外设立的以教授汉语和传播中国文化为宗旨的非营利性公益机构。它秉承孔子“和为贵”、“和而不同”的概念,推动中外文化的交流与融合,以建设一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界为宗旨。自2004年11月全球首家孔子学院在韩国成立以来,截至2009年12月份,全球已有87个国家建立了583所孔子学院和孔子课堂,成为传播中国文化和推广汉语教学的全球品牌和平台。目标2012年达到1000所。

孔子语录 Confucius Sayings

Amongst three of us, there will be one whom I can learn from; follow the one with good deed and correct that if there is any shortcoming

If you do not like it, do not force it on others

Be patient on small matter otherwise it will mess up the whole plan

If that is a discourteous act do not see it; do not listen to it; do not talk about it and do not get involved.  



 宋氏祖居 位于文昌市昌洒镇古路园村,坐落在一片果树环抱的山丘上,周围绿树成荫,环境幽静。沿着进村的林荫小道走100多米,就可到达宋氏祖居。孙中山先生的夫人、中华人民检和国名誉主席宋庆龄的高祖、曾祖、祖父3代都居于此地,宋庆龄的父亲宋耀如于1861年在这间祖居里诞生。  

为纪念宋庆龄及其家族在历史上所做的贡献和深远的影响,文昌市人民政府于1985年修复宋氏祖居,并在宋庆龄基金会和海内外友好人士的支持下相继兴建宋庆龄陈列馆、宋庆龄植物园,还在宜居北边竖起了高达3.2米 的宋庆龄汉白玉雕像。修葺一新的宋庆龄祖居为当地传统的农家宅院,由2间正屋、2间门楼和院墙组成,占地1500平方米,建筑面积198平方米。陈列馆设在此中,馆内分别陈列着宋庆龄青少年时代、革命战争年代和从事世界和平事业以及国内外各界人士对她的深切怀念的史料、照片、图表、绘画、仿制实物等。



椰林湾这里有细绵的沙滩、湛蓝的海水、婀娜多姿的椰林、正是这片没有任何污染的净土,在纪念中国和古巴建交40周年之际,椰林湾被印在纪念邮票上,在中古联合发行,更使椰林湾名扬海外,而百莱玛度假村正象镶嵌在椰林湾畔的一颗明珠——熠熠生光。Right: the Hainan Prima Resort is located near the Ye Lin Bay.  This place was little known even in China.   However it becomes a hot spot internationally when commemorative stamps showing the beauty of this location were simultaneously released in China and Cuba to commemorate the 40 anniversary of relationship.